Tuesday, May 9, 2017

How to Get Your Kids Interested in Learning a Musical Instrument

How to Get Your Kids Interested in Learning a Musical Instrument

Kids are naturally drawn to music, mostly for the beat, but sometimes for the message. If you want to encourage your kiddos to take their music appreciation a step further, follow these guidelines to inspire your youngsters to learn a musical instrument.

Introduce Music Early

Scientific studies point out how great music is for babies in their mothers’ wombs. So, start early with a bit of premature music appreciation. Play tunes, sing your favorite songs, and interact with touches and melodies. Babies remember the sound of your voice, so make it a harmonious one.

Encourage Kids to Develop Their Own Love for Music

Love for music starts from a personal space of emotion and need. Music can get you through anything with meaningful lyrics and a rhythmic, heartfelt beat. So, encourage your kids to find music that they love. It might be Justin Bieber or one of the numerous boy bands that grace the magazine covers. Or, it might be Beethoven and Motley Crue. You never know. But music is music, and an appreciation for it has to start somewhere.

Learn to Play a Music Instrument Yourself

Monkey see, monkey do—as the saying goes. To get your kids interested in learning a musical instrument, perhaps pick one up and learn for yourself. It can be anything that strikes your fancy, from drums and guitars, to violins and tubas. Educate yourself with beginner music theory books, then move onto creating big-time melodies with your own two hands. Have fun with it. Once your kids see you taking an interest and having fun, they might be inclined to join you.

Have Fun Quizzes on Music Trivia, such as Name That Tune

Name That Tune is a music-loving family favorite. Download a few instrumental mp3s and keep score to see who knows the most about music from today and yesteryear. Or, have the kids quiz the adults with song midis.

Bring Home Different Instruments

Some kids simply need to have access to a musical instrument to take an interest in it. So, rent a few instruments from your local music shop. Bring them home and let your kids play around with tunes and quirky melodies. If there is passion for instrument and music, it will shine through when your kiddo picks up a violin, piano, drum, or whatever else you bring home.

Music can be full of so many emotions, from passion, to anger, to happiness, and more. Encourage your youngsters to learn a musical instrument so they can better express themselves through harmonies.

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