Monday, April 1, 2019

List of Weird Types of Insurance

Spring is here and the weirdos are coming out of the holes they were hibernating in.

  1. Alien Abduction Insurance: Believe it or not, some insurance companies offer policies that provide coverage in the event of an alleged alien abduction. While the likelihood of such an event is highly improbable, some individuals opt for this unusual insurance as a form of entertainment or novelty.

  2. Wedding Insurance: Wedding insurance protects against unexpected events that could disrupt or cancel a wedding ceremony. It covers issues like vendor no-shows, extreme weather, sudden illness or injury, or damaged wedding attire. While not entirely weird, it is an insurance policy that caters to a specific event.

  3. Body Part Insurance: Certain celebrities or individuals in specialized professions insure specific body parts. For example, a supermodel may insure her legs, a musician may insure their hands, or a taste tester may insure their taste buds. These policies offer compensation in case of damage or loss to the insured body part.

  4. Lottery Winner Insurance: Lottery winner insurance is intended to protect individuals who win large lottery jackpots. It offers financial planning, security, and assistance to help manage the sudden influx of wealth. This type of insurance aims to prevent the mismanagement or loss of lottery winnings.

  5. Fantasy Sports Insurance: Fantasy sports insurance is designed for fantasy sports enthusiasts who participate in high-stakes leagues. It provides coverage if a key player on a participant's fantasy team gets injured, thus affecting their chances of winning the league. This unique insurance aims to compensate for the potential loss of winnings.

  6. Hole-in-One Insurance: Hole-in-one insurance is often taken out by event organizers hosting golf tournaments. It covers the cost of a prize if a participant hits a hole-in-one during the tournament. This insurance is meant to protect the organizers from unexpected expenses resulting from a successful hole-in-one shot.

  7. Immaculate Conception Insurance: This type of insurance, which has gained attention in the entertainment industry, offers coverage for actors or musicians who may face unexpected claims of paternity. It protects against false paternity claims that could damage a celebrity's reputation or result in legal battles.

  8. Vampire Attack Insurance: Although it may seem bizarre, a few insurance companies have offered policies against vampire attacks. These policies typically provide a payout in case an individual is harmed by a vampire. While purely fictional, these policies add a touch of humor and entertainment value.

It's worth noting that these "weird" types of insurance are often niche and may not be widely available or offered by mainstream insurance companies. Their purpose is often more for novelty, amusement, or specific circumstances rather than for widespread practicality or real-world risk management.


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